95+ Pumpkin Puns: Jokes And One-Liners

Pumpkins are a staple of autumn, gracing our doorsteps for Halloween and our tables for Thanksgiving. Their round, bright forms inspire not only artistic carvings but a wealth of humor

Below, we explore the whimsical world of pumpkin puns, jokes, and one-liners, offering a plentiful harvest of laughter that’s perfect for any fall occasion.

Funny Pumpkin Puns

  • Orange you glad it’s pumpkin season?
  • I’m hollow inside without you – just like a pumpkin.
  • Let’s give ‘em pumpkin to talk about.
  • You’re the pick of the patch!
  • I’m just here for the pie-nt of it.
  • Carving out some fun this Halloween!
  • I only have pies for you.
  • This pumpkin just got lit!
  • Gourd out of my way!
  • Pulp-fiction – the story of a squashed pumpkin.
  • Feeling gourd-geous today!
  • You don’t know jack-o’-lantern.
  • Pumpkins spice things up!
  • Squash your fears, it’s only a pumpkin.
  • Patch you later!
  • Stem-tacular pumpkins on display!
  • Let’s spice things up a bit.
  • Don’t go squashing my dreams.
  • Are you a pumpkin? Because I’m patch-smitten!
  • You strike a gourd with me.
  • I’m a pump-king of the party!
  • Make like a pumpkin and roll out!
  • This party’s smashing, let’s squash it!
  • Ready to stem the tide.
  • I’ve got all the pumpkin power.
  • Pumpkin up the volume!
  • You had me at pumpkin pie.
  • Don’t leaf me out of the pumpkin fun.
  • I’m vining to go to the pumpkin patch.
  • Peel the pumpkin’s potential.

Funny Pumpkin Jokes

  • Why did the pumpkin take a detour? To avoid getting squashed!
  • What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash.
  • How do pumpkins greet each other? With vine enthusiasm!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite genre? Pulp fiction.
  • Why was the pumpkin so relaxed? It had just had a gourd massage!
  • What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving? Good-pie everyone!
  • Why don’t pumpkins trust secrets? Because they always get spilled.
  • What do you call a pumpkin that works at the beach? A sand-squash.
  • Why did the pumpkin sit in the corner at the party? It couldn’t handle the gourd music.
  • What did one pumpkin say to the other? Let’s spice things up!
  • How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!
  • Why do pumpkins do well in school? They’re excellent at squashing their exams.
  • What did the pumpkin say during a crisis? Let’s squash this problem!
  • What do you call a chubby pumpkin? A plumpkin.
  • Why are pumpkins never angry? Because they are hollow inside.
  • How do you mend a broken jack-o’-lantern? With a pumpkin patch!
  • What did the pumpkin say to its carver? Cut it out!
  • Why are pumpkins always invited to parties? They bring their own pulp-pourri!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
  • Why did the pumpkin join the gym? To become a jacked-o’-lantern.
  • What do you call a pumpkin who loves to travel? A globe-gourd.
  • What did the young pumpkin say to the old pumpkin? You’re looking gourd!
  • Why do pumpkins never quarrel? They can’t hold a grudge, they let everything slide out!
  • What did the romantic pumpkin say? I love you more than pumpkin pie.
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite movie? Cinderella – they love a good carriage scene!
  • Why was the pumpkin so popular? Because he was a fungi!
  • Why did the pumpkin coach stop working? It turned back into a pumpkin at midnight!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite rule? The Golden Gourd Rule!
  • Why did the pumpkin teacher go to school? To help little pumpkins grow up into big squashes!
  • What do you call an athletic pumpkin? A jock-o’-lantern.
Related Post:  145+ Funny Marathon Puns And Jokes

Funny Pumpkin One-Liners

  • I’m all about that baste… no pumpkin.
  • Pumpkin carvers do it with the lights on.
  • Keep calm and carve on.
  • Who did the scary pumpkin flirt with? Any gourd-looking squash.
  • You can’t scare me, I’m a pumpkin!
  • Have a gourd time on Halloween!
  • Stay calm and pumpkin on.
  • Only the pie’s the limit.
  • Squashing the competition!
  • Pumpkins: Best in pies, better in lattes.
  • Feeling vine with a touch of pumpkin spice.
  • Got pumpkin? Then you’ve got a party.
  • A pumpkin a day keeps the goblins away.
  • If you can’t stand the pulp, get out of the pumpkin.
  • Pumpkins – nature’s way of saying, “It’s fall y’all”.
  • Never trust a skinny pumpkin.
  • Every day is a gourd day.
  • This pumpkin’s been ghosted!
  • Jack of all lanterns.
  • No guts, no gourd-y.
  • The only thing getting ‘lit’ this weekend are my pumpkins.
  • Pumpkin spiced and everything nice.
  • Get smashed, pumpkin style!
  • A pumpkin in the patch is worth two on the porch.
  • Watch out, I’m smashing through!
  • Pump-kin I get some candy?
  • Not every pumpkin is Cinderella’s ride, but every pumpkin is magical.
  • What’s orange and better than pie? Nothing.
  • Pumpkins: because scarecrows need friends.
  • This patch isn’t big enough for the two of us.

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