280+ Funny Cheese Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

Cheese, the beloved staple that tops burgers, gets melted into sandwiches, and is a must-have for any respectable platter, also serves as a great source of humor. Here is an extensive collection of over 280 cheese-related puns, jokes, and one-liners guaranteed to make you smile, giggle, or even groan a little.

 Whether you’re a fan of cheddar, gouda, or just can’t say no to a cheesy joke, you’re in the right place.

Funny Cheese Puns

  • What type of cheese is made backwards? Edam.
  • What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Halloumi!
  • What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!
  • I’m feta up with all these cheese puns!
  • Why did the cheese lose a fight with a knife? Because it had too many bleu spots.
  • Which genre of music appeals to most cheeses? R’n’Brie.
  • Why didn’t the cheese want to get sliced? It had grater plans.
  • What did the piece of cheddar say to the ghost? I’m nacho scared!
  • What do you call a dinosaur made of cheese? Gorgonzilla.
  • Why do cheeses make excellent detectives? They always find the whey.
  • What did the cheese say after escaping the mouse? That was a gouda one!
  • How do you handle dangerous cheese? Caerphilly.
  • Why did the cheese go to art class? To get a little grater.
  • What do you call an explosive cheese? Brie-O-Dynamite.
  • Which cheese is a basketball player’s favorite? Swish cheese!
  • Why did the cheese cry? Its feelings were blue.
  • What’s a pirate’s favorite cheese? Chedd-AARRRGH!
  • Why do they never tell secrets on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes and the cheese is always listening.
  • What did the Greek cheese say when it got its photo taken? Feta!
  • Why is it hard to make friends with cheese? Because it’s always stringing you along.
  • What do you get from pampered cows? Spoiled cheese.
  • How do you make a cheese puff? Chase it around the house!
  • What did the cheese say to its child at bedtime? Have dreams of Brie.
  • What’s the most religious cheese? Swiss, because it’s holy!
  • What cheese can never be yours? Nacho cheese.
  • Why was the cheese more relaxed after meditation? It had reached inner peas.
  • What cheese do you use to coax a bear down from a tree? Camembert!
  • What do you call cheese that is acting weird? Muenster.
  • Why did the wheel of cheese stop rolling down the hill? It thought it was the bleu cheese of the hill!
  • What cheese is made by adding a dollar to milk? Cashew cheese.
  • What’s a cheese diet? Eating-in Queso emergency!
  • What do you call a grilled cheese sandwich that’s really good at yoga? The melting lotus.
  • What did Shakespeare ask his cheese? “To brie or not to brie?”
  • What cheese do you use to disguise a small horse? Mascarpone.
  • What do you call cheese that likes to shoot hoops? Swiss!
  • Why did the cheese shopkeeper break up with the pizzeria owner? They needed more muenster in their life.
  • What’s a cheese’s favorite kind of ship? The good ship Lollipop!
  • How do you stop a cheese from being too bold? Teach it some mild manners.
  • What did the cheese say when it got deleted from the hard drive? “That’s nacho loss!”
  • Why did the cheese join a band? It wanted to be a rock-fort star.
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Cute Mac and Cheese Puns That Will Make You Laugh

  • Macaroni to the cheese: Without you, I’m incomplete.
  • Cheese asked macaroni: Can I always be your brie-loved?
  • What does macaroni say to the cheese when it’s playing hide and seek? Ready or not, here I crumb!
  • Why was the macaroni so clingy? It just couldn’t let gouda of the cheese.
  • Why is Christmas the cheesiest holiday? Because of Santa Bries and macaroni.
  • What do you get when you cross a smurf and a plate of mac and cheese? Blue cheese mac.
  • How do you know if mac and cheese is sad? When it’s feeling blue.
  • What’s a mac and cheese lover’s favorite track? “Cheese Be With You.”
  • Mac to cheese: You are the only one I’m fondue of.
  • How do you call someone who steals my mac and cheese? A monsterella!
  • What did the mac say to the cheese? Let’s cheddar life together!
  • Why was the macaroni so quiet? It was pasta-tively lost in thought.
  • How do you describe a religious plate of mac and cheese? Holy macaroni!
  • What do you get when you have too much mac and cheese? A brie-ly big waistline.
  • What did mac say to cheese on Valentine’s? We’re grate together!
  • Why did the macaroni go to school? To become mac-smart cheese!
  • What’s a bookworm’s favorite pasta? The Great Gatsby with mac and cheese.
  • How do mac and cheese say goodbye? Pasta la vista, baby!
  • What’s a cat’s favorite meal? Meowcaroni and cheese!
  • If macaroni and cheese started a band, what would it be called? The Brie-tles!
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Funny Grilled Cheese Puns And One-Liners

  • What does grilled cheese say when it’s caught on fire? I’m on a melt-down!
  • Why did the grilled cheese sandwich go to the bar? To get toasted!
  • What do you get if you cross a grilled cheese with a dinosaur? Jurassic Pork.
  • Why don’t grilled cheese sandwiches get invited to parties? They’re too cheesy.
  • What’s a grilled cheese sandwich’s favorite city? Philacheesedelphia.
  • What’s the best way to catch a grilled cheese sandwich? With a butter fly net.
  • What did the grilled cheese sandwich say after the gym? I’m toast!
  • Why was the grilled cheese sandwich a good boxer? It had a mean upper crust.
  • How do you know when a grilled cheese sandwich loves you? It says, “You make my heart melt.”
  • What do you call a grilled cheese that’s flipped too many times? A flip-cheese.
  • What’s a comedian’s favorite sandwich? Puns on rye with grilled cheese.
  • How do grilled cheese sandwiches get around? On a cheese-cycle.
  • What’s a grilled cheese sandwich’s favorite movie? Toastbusters.
  • Why did the grilled cheese sandwich stop telling jokes? It was on a roll.
  • What did one grilled cheese say to the other in a race? I’m on a roll!
  • Why did the grilled cheese sandwich go to space? To see the milky way.
  • What do you call a grilled cheese who’s a detective? Sherlock Melms.
  • What does a grilled cheese do when it’s hot? It takes a melter break.
  • Why did the grilled cheese go to church? Because it was holy!
  • How does a grilled cheese flirt? “Hey there, you make me melt.”
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Funny Cheddar Cheese Puns

  • Why did the cheddar never get lost? It was always sharp.
  • What does cheddar like to read? Cheese papers!
  • Why was the cheddar a good comedian? It always had a grate punchline.
  • What do you call a cheddar that likes to pray? Swiss-ter.
  • How do you get a cheddar to smile? Say “cheese!”
  • What do you call an artistic cheddar? A cheese sculptor.
  • Why was the cheddar in the computer? It was processing!
  • How does a piece of cheddar propose? “Will you brie mine?”
  • What do you call a cheddar that’s gone bad? Spoiled rotten!
  • Why don’t cheddars get along with mozzarella? Too much tension in the dairy air.
  • How did the cheddar introduce itself? “Hi, I’m cheddar, nice to meet you!”
  • What do you call a cheddar from outer space? A cheese-naut.
  • Why did the cheddar go to the party? To have a gouda time.
  • How do you know when cheddar is all grown up? When it’s mature!
  • What kind of cheese doesn’t belong to you? Nacho cheese!
  • What does a cheese lover yell when they see their favorite cheese at the store? That’s what I’m talking about!
  • Why was the cheddar such a good musician? It had perfect pitch.
  • What do you call cheddar that isn’t serious? Silly cheese!
  • How does cheddar stay fresh? It stays wrapped up in its own little world.
  • What happens when you step on cheese? It becomes feet-cheddar!


From macaroni giggles to grilled chuckles, we’ve melted together over 280 cheese puns, jokes, and one-liners to keep your mood as light and bubbly as a good fondue. Remember, life is great but cheese makes it better. Keep these puns handy for when you need a little extra gouda-ness to brighten your day or share with others to spread the cheesy joy!

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