80+ Funny Eyebrows Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

Eyebrows play a surprisingly large role in our facial expressions and the way we communicate. They’re not only essential for non-verbal communication but also a source of endless fun in the form of puns. 

So, let’s raise a few brows with some humorous eyebrow puns!

Funny Eyebrows Puns

  • I tried to find my friend at the crowded party, but I couldn’t quite eyebrow-se him in the crowd.
  • If you don’t love me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my eyebrows.
  • Did you hear about the eyebrow that was a comedian? It always knew how to raise the stakes.
  • My eyebrows are so expressive, they almost deserve their own acting credit.
  • Eyebrows: the one thing you can get into shape without exercising.
  • I don’t always joke about eyebrows, but when I do, they’re pretty hair-larious.
  • Why do eyebrows constantly seem surprised? Because people keep raising them!
  • Do you know why the eyebrow applied for a job? It wanted to make a few arch-enemies.
  • When my girlfriend fixes her eyebrows, I call it a browlift.
  • What did one eyebrow say to the other? You seem surprised to see me!
  • I’m not perfect, but my eyebrows are pretty close.
  • Never trust someone with bad eyebrows; they make sketchy look-ups.
  • Eyebrows speak louder than words.
  • I told my friend a joke about her eyebrows. She seemed raised by it.
  • Fixing my eyebrows is the highlight of my day.
  • Keep your friends close and your eyebrows closer.
  • What did the eyebrow say after pulling a prank? Gotcha under my arch!
  • Eyebrows: They’re not twins; they’re sisters who don’t really look alike.
  • A good eyebrow day is like a good hair day but better.
  • Why was the eyebrow feeling down? It felt overlooked.
  • What do you call an adventurous eyebrow? An explorer of facial expressions.
  • Never underestimate the power of an eyebrow.
  • I told my eyebrows to behave, but they just gave me attitude in arch form.
  • Good eyebrows are the secret to framing a face.
  • What’s the eyebrow’s favorite part of a book? The plot arch.
  • Eyebrows are like punctuation marks for your eyes.
  • Who knew eyebrows could be so brow-mantic?
  • Why don’t eyebrows like secrets? Because they always give things away with a raise.
  • My eyebrows are so fierce; they could stand off in a duel.
  • Eyebrows are just above eye-boarders.
  • How do eyebrows greet each other? With high brows!
  • What do you call an eyebrow sensei? A browmaster.
  • What’s an eyebrow’s favorite vegetable? Squash, because they’re best when acorn-shaped.
  • Why did the eyebrow join the police? To keep an eye out.
  • When your eyebrows are on point, your life feels on point too.
  • An eyebrow walks into a bar… the bartender says, ‘Why the high arch?’
  • If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge and not in the eyebrow pencil drawer?
  • Are my eyebrows too dramatic? Or are they just bold?
  • I wish my bank account was as full as my eyebrows.
  • What’s the ultimate eyebrow dream? To be as on point as a royal arch.
Related Post:  125+ Funny Eraser Puns And Jokes

Funny Eyebrows Jokes And One-Liners

  • Why did the eyebrow apply to art school? Because it had a natural arch.
  • How do you organize a space party? You planet with good eyebrows!
  • Eyebrow puns are really growing on me.
  • My eyebrows are basically the curtains of my eyes. They decide how dramatic the look will be.
  • What did the suspicious eyebrow say to the other? Something’s archy about you.
  • Life isn’t perfect, but your eyebrows can be.
  • Why did the eyebrow refuse to sleep? It didn’t want to rest on its arches.
  • What makes eyebrows so cool? They’re the gateway to your face.
  • My therapist says I need to pay more attention to my feelings. So, I started with my eyebrows.
  • When eyebrows need a boost, what do they drink? An espresso with extra foam and a splash of style.
  • What game do eyebrows play at parties? Truth or dare to tweeze.
  • If eyebrows could talk, they’d probably make a lot of good points.
  • What did the naughty eyebrow say to its owner? I’ll arch whenever I want!
  • Why don’t eyebrows make good secret agents? They always give away the look.
  • What did the right eyebrow say to the left eyebrow? Between us, something smells.
  • How do you make an eyebrow dance? Put a little boogie in it.
  • An eyebrow’s life motto: ‘If you’ve got it, flaunt it.’
  • Why are eyebrows like opinions? Everybody’s got one and they all differ.
  • What do you call a dinosaur with an expressive face? A Try-cera-tops, with emphasis on the ‘tops’!
  • If your eyebrows could speak, they would tell you, ‘Eye am important!’
  • What did the eyebrow say during the horror movie? We’re in for a bumpy ride!
  • Why did the eyebrow join the circus? It wanted to be the main attraction.
  • Did you hear about the eyebrow that lost a fight? It just couldn’t make the cut.
  • I’m so attached to my eyebrows, I could call them ‘brow-mates.’
  • Why do eyebrows love drama? It gives them a chance to express themselves.
  • What do you call an eyebrow that goes to jail? A framed arch-criminal.
  • Why did the eyebrow go to therapy? It had too many tangled emotions.
  • My eyebrows are so popular, they have their own fan club.
  • Why are eyebrows great at math? They really know how to add up the angles.
  • Why was the little eyebrow sad at school? It couldn’t find its classmate.
  • I didn’t want to tweeze my eyebrows, but they just grew and grew until I had to arch-rival them.
  • What’s an eyebrow’s favorite type of music? Classic rock, because they love a good rock arch-star!
  • Why don’t eyebrows get along with the hairline? Because they can’t bridge the gap.
  • If you can’t handle me at my worst eyebrow day, you don’t deserve me at my brow-nest.
  • Eyebrows are like the crown of the eyes. Always sitting on top, majestically.
  • What did the math book say to the eyebrow? Help me with my algebra; I’ve got too many problems to figure out.
  • Why did the eyebrow start its own blog? It had so many stories to arch-tell!
  • What’s an eyebrow’s favorite drink? Brow-cha tea.
  • Why do eyebrows never get lost? They always know how to make a point.
  • Why did the eyebrow cross the road? To surprise its reflection on the other side.
  • Are your eyebrows from space? Because your look is out of this world!

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