310+ Funny Pizza Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

Welcome to a cheesy realm of hilarity! Whether you’re a pizza aficionado or just in need of a good laugh, this collection of 310+ pizza puns, jokes, and one-liners is sure to deliver. Get ready to feast on a slice of humor with a side of wit. 

From classic one-liners to punny quips, these pizza-related jests are perfect for lightening up any conversation, adding a dash of fun to pizza parties, or simply amusing yourself. Let’s dive into the deliciously funny world of pizza humor!

Funniest Pizza Puns

  • What type of person doesn’t like pizza? A weir-dough!
  • I wanted to tell a pizza joke, but I thought it might be too cheesy.
  • Why did the pizza apply for a job? It wanted to make some dough!
  • What does a pizza say when it introduces itself to you? Slice to meet you!
  • What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song? Slice, Slice Baby.
  • Why didn’t the pizza go to the party? It was feeling too saucy.
  • Pizza jokes are all about the delivery.
  • How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste!
  • Why did the pizza go to school? To get a “pizz-a” education.
  • Why did the hipster burn his lips eating pizza? He ate it before it was cool.
  • What did the pizza say to the topping that couldn’t keep up? I never sausage a slowpoke!
  • What do you call a sleeping pizza? A piZZZZa.
  • Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.
  • What did the pizza say when it asked the topping out on a date? “I never want to go topping-less again.”
  • Why was the pizza box anxious? It had a lot of stuff crust inside.
  • How does a pizza flirt? “Hey there, crust looking at you makes my heart bake faster!”
  • Why was the pizza so good at playing cards? It always had a few slices up its sleeve.
  • Why did the pizza go to therapy? It had too much pepper-only angst.
  • What do you call an artistic pizza? A pietzza.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite horror movie? Peeperoni.
  • What did the pepperoni say to the slice? “You wanna pizza me?”
  • Why did the topping break up with the pizza? It needed more space to spread out.
  • What do pizzas wear to smell good? Calzogne.
  • Why don’t pizzas like idle chatter? They prefer deep dish-cussions.
  • How did the pizza propose to its girlfriend? “I never want to go through life crust-less.”
  • What did the pizza say to the ingredient who thought it could do everything? “You’re so full of your-slice.”
  • Why was the pizza in the art show? It was a masterpiece.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite play? Slice-peare.
  • Why did the pizza stop playing music? It had too many slices and not enough bars.
  • Why do pizzas hate cold weather? It makes their crust get hard!
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Best Puns for Pizza Lovers

  • What’s a pizza maker’s life motto? Live, love, pizza.
  • Why is pizza just like the best boyfriend you’ve ever had? It’s hot, cheesy, and always there when you need it.
  • What do you call a pizza with just peppers on it? A pepper-only pizza.
  • What do you call a man who praises his pizza too much? A flatter-crust.
  • What’s a dog’s favorite pizza? Pupperoni!
  • What type of person loves pizza the most? A slice-of-life enthusiast.
  • What’s a pizza’s least favorite chore? Rolling in the dough.
  • Why are pizzas bad at math? They multiply their toppings too often.
  • What do you get if you cross a pizza with a duck? A pepper-quack!
  • What did the pizza maker say after a busy day? “That’s a wrap, roll the dough!”
  • Why was the pizza movie sad? It was a deep dish movie.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite mode of transportation? The delivery scooter.
  • Why don’t pizzas start fights? They always come in peace-a.
  • Why are pizza jokes so funny? Because they are never crusty or stale.
  • What do you call a pizza that likes to read? A book-eroni.
  • Why are pizzas great at parties? They know how to sauce things up.
  • What’s a haunted pizza called? A creepy crust.
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a pizza? Frost-bite!
  • Why do pizzas never win at chess? They always get stuck in a stale-mate.
  • Why is a green pizza always sad? Because it is not ripe.
  • What did the pizza wear to the interview? A suit and tie-dye bread.
  • Why did the pizza start a podcast? It wanted to share a slice of life.
  • What’s a romantic pizza called? Lovin’ oven.
  • Why do pizzas make good detectives? They always find out who’s saucy.
  • What’s the best way to stop a pizza fight? Slice it out.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite workout? The cheese curl.
  • What do pizzas do on a first date? They crust each other.
  • Why did the pizza lose its job? It couldn’t box above its weight.
  • What did one oven say to the other? “Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?”
  • Why do teenage pizzas hang out in groups? Because they are slice guys.


Funny Puns and Jokes About Pizza

  • Why did the pizza sit in meditation? To find its inner piece.
  • What do you call a sleeping pizza? A nap-oli!
  • What’s the difference between a pizza and my pizza jokes? My pizza jokes can’t be topped!
  • What do you get when you cross a pizza with a kangaroo? A pocket full of cheesy goodness.
  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • Why do pizzas make more friends than bread? Because everyone wants a slice.
  • What happens when you tell a pizza joke? Everyone crusts out laughing.
  • Why do pizzas like phone calls? To get a slice of the action.
  • What did the customer say after the pizza burned him? “This is the last straw, I’m crust-fallen!”
  • Why did the pizza go to the gym? To get a little less doughy.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite movie director? Alfred Hitchcrust.
  • Why did the pizza chef go broke? Because he kneaded too much dough.
  • Why do pizzas avoid awkward situations? They don’t want to feel grate.
  • What do pizzas call their kids? Little slices.
  • Why are pizzas like celebrities? They always appear in hot slices.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite dog? Any breed that doesn’t eat cheese!
  • What’s a pizza’s worst fear? Getting sliced and diced.
  • Why did the pizza go on a vacation? It needed to rest its crust.
  • What did the angry pizza say to the other? “You wanna piece of me?”
  • Why did the pizza start a charity? To give everyone a slice of the pie.
  • What do you call a pizza that can play guitar? A rock and roll crust.
  • Why don’t pizzas work well in office jobs? They bring too much baggage.
  • Why are pizzas like some friends? They’re great, but sometimes they can be too cheesy.
  • What did the pizza say when it got into an argument? “You wanna pizza me?”
  • Why do pizzas make terrible tennis players? They always get served.
  • What does a pizza wear to sleep? Its comfy crust.
  • Why did the pizza complain during the movie? It couldn’t hear over the popcorn.
  • What do you get when you cross a pizza with a bear? A pie-bear-a!
  • Why did the pizza go to the beach? Because it was too hot in the oven.
  • What’s a pizza’s favorite song? “Cheese Release Me.”
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Funny Pizza One-Liners

  • There’s no ‘we’ in pizza.
  • Just in crust we trust.
  • Slice, slice baby.
  • I’m in the mood for a slice of life.
  • A day without pizza is like… just kidding, I have no idea.
  • Hold the door, hold the floor, please hold my pizza too.
  • I like my pizzas like I like my jokes… cheesy.
  • Pizza: the best way to turn any frown upside down.
  • When life gives you pizza, eat it quickly before anyone realizes you have it.
  • Pizza is my soulmate.
  • No one out-pizzas the hut… except maybe my grandma.
  • Time is money, money is power, power is pizza, and pizza is knowledge.
  • Let’s not meet for coffee anymore; let’s meet for pizza.
  • Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about finding pizza.
  • Don’t feel bad if people reject you. People also reject good pizzas.
  • Always be yourself, unless you can be a pizza.
  • I followed my heart and it led me to pizza.
  • You can’t make everyone happy, you are not pizza.
  • I’m into fitness… fitness whole pizza in my mouth.
  • I want someone to look at me the way I look at pizza.
  • Love is in the air… no wait, that’s pizza.
  • Keep your friends close, and your pizza closer.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a pizza brings everyone together.
  • You had me at pizza.
  • All I need are wifi, pizza, and my bed.
  • Happiness is smelling pizza in the oven.
  • Pizza cures everything.
  • Is it hot in here, or is it just the pizza oven?
  • Pizza – the official food of happiness.
  • I pepper-only have eyes for pizza.
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Cheesy Pizza Puns

  • What do you call fake pizza? A pepperphony!
  • If you can’t remember my name, just say pizza and I’ll turn around.
  • Pizza is the wheel deal.
  • What does pizza wear to smell good? Calzogne.
  • You stole a pizza my heart.
  • Cheesus Crust! That’s good pizza!
  • Pizza is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle.
  • Pizza without cheese is like a hug without a squeeze.
  • You’ve got a pizza my heart.
  • Every pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself.
  • Love is the pizza of life, everyone deserves a slice.
  • You are the pineapple on my pizza.
  • In crust we trust.
  • Pizza goals are relationship goals.
  • A pizza’s worth is determined by the quality of its crust.
  • When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.
  • I’m not saying I only love you for your pizza… but I’m not not saying it either.
  • We go together like a pizza and mozzarella.
  • Without pizza, life would be a mistake.
  • This pizza is so good, it’s untoppable.
  • Pizzas are like a good pair of jeans, they never go out of style.
  • Eating pizza is a slice of heaven.
  • I knead pizza to function.
  • Cheese the day with pizza.
  • This may sound cheesy, but I think you’re grate.
  • Pizza: because adulting is hard.
  • Who needs therapy when you have pizza?
  • Pizza first, then the answers.
  • Pizza party? Count me crust in!
  • Life is not about finding your purpose. It’s about finding your next pizza.


As we wrap up our delicious journey through 310+ pizza puns, jokes, and one-liners, let’s take a moment to appreciate the slice of joy pizza brings into our lives. Whether you’re sharing these puns at a party, sending them to a friend, or just enjoying them by yourself, remember that like pizza, humor is best when it’s shared.

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