95+ Police Officer Puns: Jokes And One-Liners

Law enforcement has a tough job, but that doesn’t mean police officers don’t have a sense of humor. Humor can be a way to ease the tension and build rapport, and even cops appreciate a good chuckle now and then, especially if it’s about their daily grind.

 Whether you’re a police officer yourself, have friends or family in the force, or simply enjoy a good pun, this extensive collection of police-themed humor is sure to tickle your funny bone.

Funny Police Officer Puns

  • Why did the police officer stay in bed? Because he was an undercover cop!
  • What do you call a police officer in bed? An under arrest.
  • How do police officers say goodbye? “Let’s cop a catch-up soon!”
  • Why don’t police officers play cards? Because they like to avoid anything shady!
  • Why did the scarecrow become a police officer? He was outstanding in his field!
  • What did the grape say when the police officer stepped on it? Nothing, but it let out a little wine!
  • Why did the police officer go to the baseball game? He heard someone stole second base!
  • What do you call a police officer with a radar? A cop-erator.
  • How do cops greet each other? “Hello, beat it?”
  • Why was the police officer asleep on the job? He was working undercover.
  • What do you call an artistic police officer? A sketch artist.
  • Why are police officers excellent volleyball players? Because they know how to serve and protect!
  • What do you call a clairvoyant police officer? Magic Cop.
  • Why did the police officer sit on the stopwatch? To stop crime!
  • What did the police officer say to his belly button? “You’re under a vest!”
  • Why don’t police officers like to play football? They keep getting penalized for unnecessary roughness.
  • What do you call a fairy using the police department to stop crime? Cop pixie!
  • Why was the cat arrested? It was a purr-petrator.
  • How do police officers sing in the car? Cop-eratic.
  • Why was the police report poorly written? It was full of cop-type errors!
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Best Police Officer Puns

  • What kind of car does a police officer drive? A cop-illac.
  • Why was the police officer an amazing drummer? He had a great beat!
  • What do you call a police officer with a hammer? Officer of the law and order.
  • How does a police officer make pancakes? With arresting flavor.
  • Why did the police officer go to the party? To cop a feel of the vibe.
  • Why do police officers always win at hide and seek? They always cop out.
  • What’s a police officer’s favorite type of music? Cop rock.
  • Why don’t police officers use bookmarks? They prefer to enforce the law of the page.
  • What’s a police officer’s favorite storage device? A hard drive in a cop-uter.
  • Why was the police officer bad at baseball? He always hit foul plays.
  • What did the police officer say to the skunk? “Odor in the court!”
  • Why don’t police officers have secrets? Because justice is transparent.
  • What do you call a police officer who works in bed? A sleeper cop.
  • What’s a cop’s favorite gymnastic move? A law flip.
  • Why did the policeman smell? Because he was on duty!
  • Why are police officers great dancers? They have all the right moves to keep people in line.
  • What happens when a police officer goes on a date? He becomes an undercover lover.
  • Why are cops great judges of character? They always read people their rights.
  • What do you call a dinosaur that is a police officer? Tricera-cops.
  • What did the cop say to the ice cream? “Freeze!”


Cute Police Officer Puns

  • What do you call a romantic police officer? A cop-id.
  • Why are police officers always calm? Because nothing gets under their vest.
  • What did the little police car say to its parent? “Can I take a rest, dad?”
  • What do you call a police officer who doesn’t like coffee? A de-caf-inated cop.
  • Why do police stations have puppies? For K-9 unit snuggles!
  • What do you call a kitten police force? Claw enforcement.
  • Why did the lemon go to the police? It wanted to report a sour crime.
  • What’s a cop’s favorite dessert? Doughnuts, obviously!
  • What did the police officer say to the sad driver? “Don’t worry, things will turn around!”
  • Why was the police officer a good friend? Because he always lets you vent.
  • What do you call a cold police officer? A chili cop.
  • Why did the police officer talk to his shoe? It was part of the foot patrol.
  • What’s a police officer’s favorite day of the week? Wanted Wednesday.
  • Why are police officers great at switching on lights? Because they always bring the heat!
  • Why do police officers carry red, white, and blue crayons? In case they have to draw the line!
  • What did the police officer say to the broken washing machine? “You’re spinning out of control!”
  • Why was the police officer a good drummer? He knew how to beat the drums just right.
  • What do you call a police officer who loves gardening? A plant sergeant.
  • Why do police officers wear blue? It’s a hue of justice.
  • What do you call a police officer on an ice rink? Ice Cop-ades.
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Jokes About Police Officer

  • What did the police officer say after catching a notorious thief? “I’ve been chasing you for so long, it feels like we’re old friends!”
  • Why did the police officer sit at the desk? To keep an eye on the pen.
  • What do you call a police officer who arrests a mime? A silence officer.
  • Why did the police officer go to art school? To learn how to draw a line.
  • How do police officers make tea? By steeping it under investigation.
  • What did the police officer say to his tired legs? “You have the right to remain silent.”
  • Why did the police officer go to the beach? To keep the surf under control.
  • What did the police officer say to the calendar? “Your days are numbered.”
  • Why don’t police officers like to start their car in the morning? They don’t like anything that causes a stir.
  • What did the detective say when he found his lost scarf? “Case closed.”
  • How do you thank a police officer who saved a chicken? “Thanks for keeping her safe and hen-d!”
  • Why did the police officer always lose at chess? He could never decide which pawn to sacrifice.
  • What do you call a police officer who turns into a wolf? A were-cop.
  • What did the sheep say to the police officer? “Thank ewe for your service.”
  • Why are police officers good at watching races? They keep track of the fast and the furious.
  • What do you call a police officer with a radar gun? Speed detective.
  • Why was the police officer always calm? His job trained him to handle the heat.
  • What did the police officer say to the computer? “You have the right to remain data.”
  • Why did the police officer go to the library? To book a suspect.
  • What did the police officer say to the jumper cables? “You better not start anything.”

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