180+ Pumpkin Pie Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

Pumpkin pie is not just a beloved dessert but also a staple of festive gatherings, particularly during Thanksgiving and Halloween. This deliciously spiced pie has inspired countless jokes, puns, and one-liners that add a dash of humor to any conversation. Whether you’re looking to spice up your dinner table banter or craft a clever caption for your seasonal Instagram post, this extensive collection of pumpkin pie-inspired wit will serve you well.

In this article, we’ll explore a rich variety of puns and jokes that celebrate the quirky and fun aspects of pumpkin pies. We have carefully crafted and gathered 180+ pumpkin pie puns, jokes, and one-liners, perfectly seasoned with humor to entertain your friends and family.

Funny Pumpkin Pie Puns

  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite genre? Pulp fiction!
  • Why did the pumpkin pie go to therapy? It needed help with its filling feelings.
  • Why do pumpkin pies make terrible secrets? Because they’re always spilling the beans.
  • What do you call a well-traveled pumpkin pie? A globetrotter.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite movie? The Crust Knight.
  • Why was the pumpkin pie so good at sports? Because it always whipped the competition!
  • How do you fix a broken pumpkin pie? With a pumpkin patch!
  • Why was the pumpkin pie a good musician? It had a great filling for the blues.
  • What did the pumpkin say to the pie crust? “You complete me.”
  • Why don’t pumpkin pies use smartphones? They prefer to keep everything on the vine.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s life philosophy? Live and let pie.
  • Why don’t pumpkin pies make good detectives? They always look crusty.
  • How does a pumpkin pie stay fresh? It keeps its lid on.
  • What kind of vehicle does a pumpkin pie drive? A mince-van.
  • Why are pumpkin pies so good at chess? They always think a few slices ahead.
  • What did the whipped cream say to the pumpkin pie? “I’ve got you covered!”
  • Why do pumpkin pies make good comedians? They know how to serve up a slice of life.
  • Why was the pumpkin pie so relaxed? It had just come out of the oven.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite song? “Slice Slice Baby.”
  • Why do pumpkin pies excel in school? They do well on pie charts.
  • Why are pumpkin pies always so fit? They avoid too much crust.
  • What do you call an adventurous pumpkin pie? A crust-seeker.
  • Why are pumpkin pies so influential? They always know how to stir the pot.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite sport? Squash.
  • Why are pumpkin pies bad liars? Their faces always give them away.
  • Why was the pumpkin pie always calm? It knew how to handle the heat.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite dance? The mash potato.
  • Why don’t pumpkin pies argue? They always agree on everything crust a little.
  • What’s the pumpkin pie’s motto? “In crust we trust.”
  • Why did the pumpkin pie write a book? It wanted to spread its lore.
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Best Puns About Pumpkin

  • Why was the pumpkin so confident? It knew it was gourd-geous.
  • What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.
  • Why did the pumpkin sit on people’s porches? It wanted to squash the neighborhood watch.
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Pulp polo.
  • Why are pumpkins never stressed? They know how to keep their gourd.
  • Why did the pumpkin coach go to the bank? To get its seeds funded.
  • Why don’t pumpkins trust water? They find it too seedy.
  • What did the romantic pumpkin say? “I’m vine over heels for you!”
  • Why do pumpkins do well in school? They have all the ripe answers.
  • What happens when a pumpkin loses its tail? It turns into a bumpkin.
  • Why did the pumpkin join the band? It had the perfect hollow-tone.
  • What do you call a fast pumpkin? A squash rocket.
  • Why was the pumpkin such a good listener? Because it was all ears!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite hangout spot? The gourd-yard.
  • What did the pumpkin say after a long day? “I’m out of my gourd.”
  • Why do pumpkins detest arrogance? They prefer to stay grounded.
  • Why are pumpkins great for weight lifting? They’re used to being pumped.
  • What do you call a pumpkin comedian? A joke-o-lantern.
  • Why do pumpkins never quarrel? Because they have no beef.
  • How do pumpkins greet each other? “Hey gourd-geous!”
  • What did the pumpkin say to the pie? “You complete me!”
  • Why are pumpkins bad at secrets? Because they are too hollow inside.
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite TV show? “Stem and the City.”
  • Why don’t pumpkins watch scary movies? They can’t handle the creepiness.
  • Why did the pumpkin go to jail? It was involved in a seedy activity.
  • What did one pumpkin say to the other during a workout? “Let’s get jacked, o-lantern!”
  • Why do pumpkins make terrible journalists? They can’t think outside the patch.
  • What do you call a fancy pumpkin? A plush-kin.
  • Why was the pumpkin so organized? It kept everything in patch-order.
  • Why do pumpkins make good motivational speakers? They always know how to get to the pith of the matter.
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Funny Jokes and Puns About Pumpkin Pie

  • What do you call a pumpkin who works at a beach? A sand squash.
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!
  • Why was the pumpkin pie always careful? Because it didn’t want to crack up.
  • What do you get if you drop a pumpkin? Squash.
  • Why don’t pumpkin pies make good comedians? They’re too flaky.
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite movie? The Slice of Life.
  • Why do pumpkin pies love windy days? It makes them feel whisked away.
  • Why did the pumpkin pie go to a therapist? Because it had a lot of inner fillings to sort out.
  • What did the young pumpkin pie say to the old pumpkin pie? “You’re as cool as whip!”
  • Why do pumpkin pies always carry a map? They hate getting lost in the filling.
  • How does a pumpkin pie fight its enemies? With stealth and spy-crusty.
  • Why did the pumpkin pie look worried? It saw the recipe book open at Thanksgiving.
  • What do you call a pumpkin pie that likes to go jogging? A fitness freak.
  • Why do pumpkin pies make bad secret agents? They always crack under pressure.
  • How did the pumpkin pie become a great comedian? It mastered the art of timing.
  • Why did the pumpkin pie apply for a loan? It wanted to get a little dough.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite thing to read? Pie charts.
  • Why do pumpkin pies hate being in the oven too long? They tend to get crusty.
  • What did the pie say to the pumpkin? “You complete me!”
  • Why are pumpkin pies such good friends? They always get along like pie and cream.
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Good One-Liners About Pumpkin Pies

  • What did the pumpkin pie say after winning the race? “I’m on a roll!”
  • Why did the pumpkin pie apply for a job? It wanted to make some dough.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite dog breed? Anything pure-bread.
  • How do pumpkin pies write secret messages? In invisible ink.
  • Why are pumpkin pies so compassionate? They always have room for a little more whipped cream.
  • Why did the pumpkin pie go to school? To improve its crust-credibility.
  • What do you call a scared pumpkin pie? Petrified pie.
  • Why do pumpkin pies make good detectives? They always find themselves in a jam.
  • What do you call a romantic pumpkin pie? Sweetie pie.
  • Why are pumpkin pies such great friends? They never flake on you.
  • How do pumpkin pies stay cool? They hang out near the ice cream.
  • Why don’t pumpkin pies make good boxers? They’re too soft in the middle.
  • What do you call a pumpkin pie that’s been out in the sun too long? A roast pie.
  • What’s a pumpkin pie’s favorite pastime? Getting baked.
  • Why did the pumpkin pie go to art class? To perfect its crust.
  • How do you describe a well-loved pumpkin pie? As the apple of the eye.
  • Why are pumpkin pies never envious? They are too sweet to be sour.
  • What do you get when you cross a pumpkin pie with a computer? A pie chart.
  • Why was the pumpkin pie a good judge? It always served just desserts.
  • Why do pumpkin pies make terrible basketball players? They always miss their crusts

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