80+ Funny Bean Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

Beans might just be the most versatile and comedic of all legumes. Whether they’re starring in your burrito, sprouting in your garden, or popping up in jokes, they have a special place in both our diets and our humor. In this article, we’ll explore over 80 hilarious and adorable bean puns, jokes, and one-liners that are sure to sprout laughter and maybe even a groan or two. 

So, whether you’re a fan of green beans, coffee beans, or jelly beans, get ready to enjoy the whimsical world of bean humor.

Funny Bean Puns

  • I bean thinking of you!
  • This chili is bean-tastic!
  • I’ve bean around the block a few times.
  • Are you bean serious right now?
  • We’ve bean through a lot together.
  • It’s bean real, but I gotta go.
  • You haven’t bean to his place yet?
  • Don’t spill the beans until it’s bean official!
  • I just bean love with these jokes!
  • Bean there, done that!
  • What’s bean shaking with you lately?
  • My life has bean so busy!
  • It’s not you, it’s bean.
  • You bean so much to me.
  • That joke’s bean overused.
  • Have you bean well?
  • I’ve bean meaning to tell you this.
  • It bean a pleasure knowing you.
  • We bean jamming all night.
  • I bean to the mountaintop and back.

Cute Bean Puns

  • You’re bean-dorable!
  • I love you bean much.
  • You’re the bean of my eye.
  • Bean mine forever?
  • We make a great bean.
  • You’re my sweet bean.
  • Our friendship is magic beans.
  • You make my heart soy with happiness.
  • I’m bean-nevolent when it comes to you.
  • Let’s stick together like refried beans.
  • You’re the cool bean.
  • Life without you is unbear-bean.
  • Stay bean and carry on.
  • Bean a while since I smiled this much.
  • You’re un-bean-lievably cute.
  • That’s bean-tastic news!
  • Hope your day is as nice as your bean.
  • You’ve got a bean in your bonnet today!
  • I pinto-ly adore you.
  • Always bean yourself.
Related Post:  130+ Woodworking Puns: Jokes and One-Liners


Cute Puns About Coffee

  • Espresso your feelings.
  • This coffee has me feeling bean-tastic!
  • Bean awake never felt so good.
  • You’re the cream in my coffee.
  • Affogato about everything but you!
  • Let’s mocha some memories.
  • Espresso yourself; everyone else is taken.
  • You mocha me very happy.
  • Can I be the sugar to your coffee?
  • Let’s brew this!
  • I mocha mistake, I need my coffee!
  • You’ve bean the highlight of my day.
  • Coffee and friends make the perfect blend.
  • You’re steaming hot!
  • Just brew it!
  • I love you a latte.
  • Perk up your day!
  • Wake up and smell the coffee.
  • Our love is brewing strong.
  • It’s a brew-tiful day!

Best Bean Puns and Jokes

  • Why was the bean so calm? Because he never panics, he just chilis.
  • What do you call a bean that’s into everything? A nosy-beanie.
  • How does a bean get to work? By bean-mobile.
  • Why did the bean win an award? For being the musical fruit.
  • What do you call an honest bean? A human bean.
  • How do beans say hello? “How have you bean?”
  • Why don’t beans fear heights? Because they are always climbing.
  • What’s a bean’s favorite thing to read? The Cannellini Times.
  • What happens when a bean meditates? It finds inner peas.
  • Why did the bean go to school? To improve its skills.
  • Why do beans make good detectives? Because they keep things under wraps.
  • How do you throw a space party? You planet with astro-nuts!
  • What do you call a bean with a cold? Sneezy bean.
  • Why was the bean so smart? Because he always knew how to use his bean.
  • What’s a bean’s favorite part of the house? The roof. Because it’s above the ceilings.
  • What did the coffee say to the bean? “You keep me grounded!”
  • Why do beans never start a fight? Because they are peaceful.
  • What do you call a bean that’s into sports? A jumping bean.
  • Why do beans do well in school? Because they’re full of beans!
  • Why was the bean actor so famous? Because he was a has-bean.
Related Post:  105+ Mushroom Puns: Jokes and One-Liners


Beans might just be the little jokes of nature – packed with nutrients and humor in equal measure. Whether it’s a bean struggling at school or a coffee bean that keeps you awake, the play on words is a simple joy that brings smiles and groans alike.

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