130+ Guava Puns: Jokes And One-Liners

Guava might just be one of the most underrated fruits in the humor department. It’s not just delicious, it’s also ripe for comedy! If you’re looking to spruce up your fruit jokes or add some zest to your daily conversations, you’ve come to the right place. 

Dive into this expansive list of guava puns, jokes, and one-liners that are sure to get at least a giggle if not a full belly laugh.

Funny Guava Puns

  • Guavas are always up to date, they always check their Guava-dar.
  • If a guava starts acting up, is it then a bravado-guava?
  • Artists love guavas; they always seem to draw a crowd.
  • When guavas go on vacation, they love to visit the Guava-lapagos Islands.
  • If you don’t like my puns, you might need to develop a better guava-nce for humor.
  • Guavas in math class excel at pi, especially guava pi.
  • Medieval guavas were often known to carry a guava-lance.
  • I tried to write a book on guavas, but couldn’t find the right title-guava.
  • Don’t worry if you’re not laughing yet — the next one is a guava-tee.
  • My local fruit stand has a security guard for guavas — they call him the Guava-rdian.
  • Guavas hate getting into jams, especially traffic jams.
  • I told a guava a secret, and it turned into gossip-fruit.
  • In the fruit world, guavas are considered quite the smoothie operators.
  • You can’t trust a guava with a secret, they tend to guava-spill.
  • Pilates for guavas is really about stretching their peel-tential.
  • Guavas don’t like plain text, they prefer pulp fiction.
  • Ever heard about the guava that went into surgery? It had a fruit transplant.
  • I bought a guava at a musical fruit store. It came with a free guitar-va.
  • Guavas don’t get lost; they just take scenic rindes.
  • Guavas love holidays, especially New Year’s Guava.
  • To keep a guava fresh, you need good preserva-tion.
  • A guava’s favorite dance is the salsa, especially with a bit of rind.
  • The most secretive of fruits is the under-guava.
  • When a guava wins a race, it gets the gold medal.
  • Are guavas good at sports? Only in squash!
  • The philosophical guava often ponders, “To be or not to be peeled.”
  • Guavas are never single, they always come in pears.
  • A guava’s favorite book? Guava Karenina.
  • Why did the guava go to school? To improve its concentration juice!
  • I tried a diet of guavas and grapes, it was absolutely fruitile.
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Funny Guava Jokes

  • Why don’t guavas ever get lonely? Because they come in bunches!
  • What do you call a frozen guava? A cool fruit.
  • How do you fix a broken guava? With a fruit patch.
  • Why was the guava always calm? Because it never wanted to make a scene-fruit.
  • What do you call a guava in a monastery? A monk fruit.
  • Why did the guava stop in the middle of the road? Because it ran out of juice!
  • What do guavas do when they get angry? They guavent their frustration!
  • Why did the guava go out with a prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!
  • What did one guava say to the other guava? “You’re the apple of my eye!”
  • How do you make a guava shake? Put it in the freezer!
  • Why did the guava go to the party? Because it was a fruitball!
  • What happens when you step on a guava? It becomes a squashed fruit!
  • What’s a guava’s favorite movie? Pulp Fiction!
  • Why did the guava go to jail? For being involved in a jam!
  • How do you know when a guava is sad? It lets out a little whine.
  • Why did the guava turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What do you get if you cross a guava with a computer? A byte of vitamin C!
  • Why are guavas never early? They believe in fruit-ness timing.
  • How do guavas like their jokes? Juicy!
  • What did the guava say to the lime? “You add zest to my life!”
  • Why did the guava ignore the banana? Because it found it a-peeling!
  • What do you call a guava spy? A sleuth fruit!
  • Why don’t guavas get invited to parties? Because they’re always blending in!
  • What do you call an artistic guava? A fruit-stro!
  • What’s a guava’s favorite day of the week? Friyay—it’s the best day to chill!
  • Why did the guava stay at home? To catch up on its peeling!
  • What’s a guava’s favorite superhero? Captain Americurrant!
  • What did the guava say after a workout? “That was re-freshing!”
  • Why was the guava a good musician? Because it had great pitch!
  • How do you compliment a guava? Tell it it’s sub-lime!
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Best Guava One-Liners

  • Guavas are the best at keeping secrets; they are the best keep-fruits.
  • Don’t underestimate a guava; it’s more than just a pretty peel.
  • Guavas make great detectives—they’re always getting to the pith of the problem.
  • A guava’s favorite game? Peel-of-Fortune!
  • Guavas are not just for eating, they make great smoothie criminals.
  • In the fruit justice system, guavas are considered especially savoury.
  • Guavas don’t just attend school—they go to juice-niversity.
  • Keep your friends close and your guavas closer; they’re excellent companions.
  • Guavas don’t smoke; they believe in clean living and fresh air.
  • When life gives you guavas, make guava-ade!
  • A guava in love is always pithy in its compliments.
  • Never play hide and seek with a guava; it’s always spotted easily due to its distinctive color.
  • A guava’s life philosophy: Peel good, feel good.
  • Guavas are the best at parties; they really know how to shake things up!
  • A thoughtful guava is always pulp-lating.
  • Guavas excel in history; they love ancient greaves.
  • Always take a guava to a desert island; it’s full of essential nutrients.
  • A guava’s idea of a perfect day is a smoothie by the beach.
  • You can always count on a guava for a fruitful conversation.
  • Never ask a guava to keep a diary; it’s terrible at seeds-crets.
  • Guavas have a knack for photography; they love to focus on the fruits.
  • In the fruit world, guavas are known for their pulp-ularity.
  • A guava’s favorite pastime? Pip-ping its peers!
  • Don’t argue with a guava; it always has a fruity comeback.
  • Guavas don’t get cold; they have a natural peel!
  • A guava at an auction is always a bidding fruit.
  • Guavas aren’t shy; they’re just preserved.
  • Why do guavas make good journalists? Because they have all the juicy details.
  • A guava’s dream job? A bar-tender at a smoothie bar.
  • Guavas don’t get scared; they face their peelers head-on.

Best Puns About Guava

  • Guavas are not to be trifled with—they prefer to be eaten.
  • Why do guavas never starve at the beach? Because of the sand which is there.
  • A guava’s favorite sport? Rind surfing.
  • Guavas are always ready for a photo; say peel!
  • When guavas go to the opera, they always dress in fruit-tie.
  • A guava’s favorite kind of music? Rock and rind.
  • Why are guavas considered wise? Because they know when to split.
  • Guavas don’t play cards; they believe in fruit chance.
  • Guavas like their relationships like they like their cocktails—mixed.
  • When guavas go undercover, they’re known as the invisible fruits.
  • Guavas don’t just watch dramas; they enjoy a good documentary on fruit history.
  • A guava’s life goal? To find its other rind.
  • Guavas don’t get stressed; they have a relaxing appeal.
  • Why do guavas always win at chess? Because they make smooth moves.
  • Guavas aren’t just for dessert; they’re great in any course.
  • When it rains, guavas just let it peel.
  • Guavas make excellent mates; they know when to stick together.
  • A guava’s favorite type of film? Anything with a twist.
  • Guavas love adventures; they’re always on the rind.
  • Why do guavas excel in school? Because they’re fruitful thinkers.
  • Guavas don’t get played; they play the field.
  • When guavas go to the beach, they always bring a pith-cher of lemonade.
  • Guavas in a race? They’re always ahead by a pith.
  • Guavas don’t mind the spotlight; they’re natural peel-formers.
  • When it comes to parties, guavas know how to mix things up.
  • A guava that can drive? Now, that’s a fruit to behold.
  • Why are guavas always calm? Because they guava lot of patience.
  • Guavas don’t just follow recipes; they create them.
  • When a guava gets a haircut, does it get a trim or a peel?
  • Guavas are always in style, especially in fruit couture.
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Engaging with fruit-based humor brings a bit of zest to the routine of daily life. This collection of guava puns, jokes, and one-liners demonstrates that even guavas can be the center of fun. Whether you’re looking to impress at a party or just share a smile with someone, these guava gags are sure to sweeten the conversation.

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