80+ Hamster Puns: Jokes and One-Liners

Hamsters are not just adorable little creatures that scurry around in their cages; they are also a source of endless amusement if you have a penchant for puns. Whether you’re a hamster owner looking for a chuckle or you just enjoy a good pun, you’re in for a treat.

 This article is jam-packed with 80 hamster puns, clever jokes, and witty one-liners guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and a chuckle to your day.

Top Hamster Puns

  • Why don’t hamsters gamble? Because they’re afraid of losing their squeak!
  • What do you call a hamster with a top hat? Abrahamster Lincoln.
  • How do hamsters travel? By Hamtrack trains!
  • What do you call a hamster with no legs? A furball.
  • Why did the hamster sit on the pencil? It wanted to look sharp!
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite car? A Hamsterati.
  • Why do hamsters avoid rain? They don’t want to become ham-puddles!
  • What kind of music do hamsters like? Hip-hop, because it’s all about the wheels.
  • What do you call an adventurous hamster? A hamstplorer.
  • How do hamsters stay healthy? By running on the wheel of fortune.
  • What did one hamster say to the other when they fell in love? “Let’s go on a wheel date!”
  • Why was the hamster a good magician? Because it could escape from any cage!
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite Shakespeare play? “The Taming of the Chew.”
  • Why don’t hamsters use phones? They prefer to write fur letters.
  • What do you get when you cross a hamster and a vampire? A creature that bites and runs!
  • What do hamsters do at parties? They turn it into a ham-jam!
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite day of the week? Whisker Wednesday.
  • What do you call a hamster with an attitude? Hamitude.
  • Why did the hamster go to school? To learn about Hamsterdam.
  • What do hamsters eat at the movies? Popcorncobs.
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Best Hamster Puns

  • What happens when two hamsters collide? They have a fur-ocious encounter.
  • What’s a hamster’s least favorite type of music? Hard rock, it’s too hard on their teeth.
  • Why did the hamster bring a sweater to the party? Because it was a cool ham-gathering.
  • How do you know if a hamster loves you? It gives you extra whisker kisses.
  • Why did the hamster join NASA? It wanted to explore the outer squeaks.
  • What do you call a hamster with a jetpack? A skydiving fur-ball.
  • Why do hamsters love school? Because they excel in wheel-ology.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite game? Hide and squeak.
  • Why are hamsters bad storytellers? They only have one tale.
  • What’s the best thing about dating a hamster? They know all the cheek spots.
  • How do you describe a rich hamster? As having loads of fur-tune.
  • What do you call a hamster that can lift weights? A hamstrong.
  • What kind of business does a hamster run? A wheel estate agency.
  • What do you call a philosophical hamster? Socrat-rat.
  • How do hamsters read the news? On the whisker.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a plot twistern.
  • What do you call a hamster in the desert? Sand-squeaker.
  • Why don’t hamsters make good sailors? They jump ship at the first sign of cats.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite sport? Basket-ball, they love shooting hoops.
  • What happens when you tickle a hamster? It starts squeaking with laughter.


Funny Hamster Puns

  • Why did the hamster sit on the clock? It wanted to be on hamster-time.
  • What do you call a hamster that tells jokes? A ham-sterical comedian.
  • Why was the hamster afraid of the vacuum? It didn’t want to be swept up!
  • What do hamsters do when they’re scared? They go into squeak mode.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite instrument? The drums, they love a good roll.
  • Why did the hamster go to the party? To go nuts!
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite pasta? Spag-ham-ti.
  • Why don’t hamsters play cards? Because they’re afraid of the mouse trap.
  • What do you call a hamster who writes poems? A hamlet.
  • Why did the hamster eat the candle? It wanted a light snack.
  • What do hamsters wear to weddings? Hamster-tails.
  • Why did the hamster break up with the guinea pig? It wanted more space to wheel around.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite kind of pizza? Cheesewheel.
  • Why don’t hamsters like fast food? It’s too much for their tiny paws to handle.
  • What do you call a hamster with no hair? A bald squeak.
  • Why do hamsters love boxing? Because they’re always in the ring.
  • What do hamsters use to browse the internet? Their web-feet.
  • Why are hamsters concerned about climate change? They worry about their wheel environment.
  • What do you call a hamster who loves astronomy? A spaceball.
  • What’s a hamster’s favorite kind of dance? The twistern.
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In the world of pets, hamsters are certainly among the cutest and most endearing. They might be small, but their ability to bring joy is enormous—especially when they inspire such delightful puns and jokes as the ones listed above.

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